"We are people loved by Jesus
connecting our community to Christ"


What we believe header 632x421
  • There is one, almighty Triune God, creator of the universe and preserver of all things.
  • The Bible is God's inspired Word, and is the only source and guide for Christian faith and life.
  • All people have sinned--by the wrongs they do, and by the good they fail to do.
  • We believe that Jesus, the promised Messiah and eternal Son of God, became a human being, and traveled all the way to the cross to redeem us by suffering our punishment for us, to reconcile us to God.
  • God alone can save us through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  In him we are freely given the forgiveness of sins, and are gifted with abundant life now, and eternal life forever in heaven.
  • By the power of the Holy Spirit, God creates and sustains faith in people by means of his Word
  • By faith we trust God's promises and receive his blessings of life and salvation
  • Through baptism with water, God miraculously bestows the gift of new life and salvation.
  • In Holy Communion, we receive the true body and blood of Jesus Christ through the simple elements of bread and wine, to assure us of God's forgiveness, and for the strengthening of faith.  


You are welcome here
We invite you to join us as we live our lives individually and as a congregation in the warm embrace of God's amazing grace. We have discovered that only faith in Christ can give true meaning and joy to life, and only God's grace can sustain us now and into eternity.

We firmly believe Jesus' promise:  "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." In Jesus' name, Calvary is moving ahead in our life together as a congregation--seeking to care for each other as members of one family, and reaching out into our community and our world in the name of our blessed Lord.

Calvary Lutheran Church History

Church history
This brief history does not simply document the beginnings of a church called "Calvary".  More importantly, it shares how the Lord, through his patience, faithfulness and provision, brought this congregation into existence, and keeps building it--one family at a time. The Lord used many steps to bring Calvary to its starting point. As we look back, it's evident that God was at work and his timing is perfect.

Calvary started out with a series of strategy meetings in the Fall of 1984.  From these humble beginnings, "A Vision for the Future" was born.

In the spring of 1985, arrangements were made to hold Sunday services at the Waupaca Community Building.  Later, a downtown site became known as "The Little Church Downtown".

The years of 1986-1988 were momentous.   "Calvary" was chosen as the congregation's name.  A constitution and bylaws were approved and it was received as a member church of the Lutheran Church-Missouri-Synod.  Soon afterward, a building site was found.  On October 25, 1987, Calvary's first church building was dedicated.

Initially, the congregation was served with Word & Sacrament on a rotating basis by a group of area pastors:  Paul Hartrick of Fremont, Richard Mundt of Lind Center, and Henry Simon of Appleton.  When growth permitted, the congregation called an ordained pastor on a full-time basis to serve in their midst, and the Lord brought many blessings through these men over the years:
  • Rev. James  R. Teasdale--1987 to 1996;
  • Rev. David L. Smith--1998 to 2000;
  • Rev. Paul W. Alliet--2000 to 2005;
  • Rev. Martin M. Rich--2006 to 2013;
  • Rev. Robert F. Selle served as interim pastor.
  • Rev. John M. Taggatz -- 2014 to 2020
  • Rev. Brian Roehrborn--current pastor- Installation January 17, 2021
In 2004, Calvary's facility more than doubled in size with the addition of a spacious new sanctuary.  The prior space was renovated into a fellowship hall, youth area, and classrooms.  . .

By God's grace, baptized members continue to be added to the Calvary family.  Blessings that the Lord has brought through the years are, indeed, beyond counting.

For all that we are as in this place as precious children of God, and for all that we are yet to become by his presence among us, to God be the glory!  All praise to his holy name!
  • First Baptism:  Nancy Lynn Hagen (2/8/87)
  • First Confirmands:  Matthew Johnson & Kristine Stock (5/21/89)
  • First Marriage:  David Lunde & Paula Meyers (5/11/91)
  • First Funeral:  Wayne Barrett died 6/25/88; funeral (6/28/88)

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