Shepherd Notes May 2024                                           

Sheherd notes
For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function. - Romans 12:4

Someone recently sent me a Ship image on Facebook. The top of the image featured a Cruise Ship. The bottom of the image featured a Battle Ship.
The point of the image was written clearly: “The church is not a Cruise Ship where a handful of people serve to cater to the rest. The church is a Battle Ship and it’s all hands on deck to serve the mission.”
Paul emphasizes that everyone serves in the body of Christ. The ways we serve may fluctuate over time, but no one is useless or
outside of responsibility. Every part of the body has a function.

    This is the theological reality for Christians. Perhaps you enjoy serving others, in the church you have the opportunity to serve to the glory of God and in service to your neighbor. Join with the various groups within the church or offer your services to the congregation or the community through God’s church. There are so many ways to serve!! Perhaps you’re good with children. Work with children to the glory of God and in service to your neighbor. Volunteer to be a Sunday school teacher or VBS helper throughout the year.
Perhaps you enjoy technology or photography and graphic design. Use your skills to the glory of God and in service to your neighbor. Help with the website or some of the projects that we’d love to move forward on which require graphics and tech work.
    Perhaps you’re at a time in life when your hands don’t work the way they used to or your back can’t carry the loads it once could. Pray for and reach out to people to the glory of God and in service to your neighbor. There may be people who have no transportation to church or Bible Study and simply need a ride. We have members who can’t get to doctor appointments or need someone to help with little things around the house. These are things that we can do to care for one another.
    There isn’t enough space to list all of the ways you can serve the body of Christ. There are things to be done around the building, but more than the “operational necessities” there’s always someone we can care for and check in on. Someone always needs to be encouraged. Someone always needs the love of Jesus.
We’re about to hit summertime. Build relationships with people. Go say hi to someone at church that you don’t know. You’re gonna be together forever in Christ…might as well start getting to know each other now.
We are all redeemed by the blood of Christ to be servants to one another through Christ. This is our command. Love one another. Do so with joy because of the Gospel. Jesus’ selflessness demonstrates the selfless love we share with others. Through His death and resurrection, eternal life is given to you. So…where do you fit in as a redeemed member of Christ’s body? I encourage you to pray about that and ask questions as you discern how you can care for your brothers and sisters in Christ. May the Lord bless and be with you! In Christ,

                                                                                              Pastor Brian